Monday, February 7, 2011

Creating Resiliency for families and children

The courage to carry on

Text Box: February 18th 
9:30 am to 11:30 am CST
10:30 am to 12:30 am EST 
Regional DCS offices
MTSU  You are invited to participate in a Satellite Broadcast panel discussion on Resiliency.  The discussion will focus on how foster parents and caregivers can mentor and infuse Resiliency for the youth they are caring for and interacting with.  Persons with mental health concerns who are able to develop their own Resiliency skills will be able to live interdependently and have more favorable outcomes. 

Resiliency may be a new way of thinking for families and children served by DCS, because they are often already struggling with socio economic factors which compound their stress.  Esteem, Connectivity and Advocacy are the key components of Resiliency.  Resiliency can be created from the intangible and abundant resources of time, attention, and direction.  Learn about the concept of Resiliency, and how using the self created tools of Resiliency, lives can be re-directed.

The team we have for this broadcast includes:
Facilitator: Mary Beth Franklyn: The director of Health Advocacy for DCS
Clarence Jordan: A coach and mentor for persons to develop Resiliency.  Clarence serves as a member of the senior leadership of Value Options/TennCare
Roger Stewart: The Deputy Director with NAMI.
Samantha Goff: A foster parent who was a foster child and has mentored many foster children, Samantha speaks with passion and experience about Resiliency
Deborah Gatlin: A board certified child psychiatrist who has consulted with children in and at risk of custody at the Vanderbilt COE, and is the medical director at DCS.
John Johnson: Director of DCS Foster Care and Adoptions.

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