Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The TFACTS Pilot Is Just Days Away

In just a few days we will launch the pilot of our shiny new case management system, TFACTS.  It has been a long and sometimes rocky road and the "fun" is just starting.  Let me assure you that I have been around a long time and have NEVER seen an IT pilot and rollout go totally smoothly.  It just doesn't happen.  We are a strong agency and we will work our way through this implementation if we all hang together and support each other.

Our pilot sites include Woodland Hills Youth Development Center, Central Intake, Special Investigative Unit and the Mid Cumberland Region.  We all owe them a debt of gratitude for their willingness to step up and be our "guinea pigs."  They will provide that front line of implementation which will be essential to our long-term success.

I encourage everyone in the DCS family to find some way to send words of encouragement to our colleagues involved in the pilot.  They will need our support and to know that we are there for them as they lead the charge for all of us.

I have no doubt in my mind that TFACTS implementation will be successful and that we will eventually love our new system.  I also have no doubt that there will be frustrations and angst as we proceed.

Our new system will truly support our model of service delivery and structure of the work as it is now done in DCS and that's good news.  Our system will be very different from TNKids and, like it or not, it's difficult to trade the familiar for the new.   We will learn and change together and we will be successful.

MY VERY BEST WISHES TO WHYDC, CI, SIU AND MID CUMBERLAND.  Thank you for what you are doing for our agency!!!

Commissioner Viola Miller

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