On September 21, 2010, the East Region took part in their COA Celebration at Lenoir City Park in Loudon County. This was an opportunity for staff from all over the region to come together to celebrate achieving accreditation, as well as the region’s many accomplishments over the past year, while enjoying great food, fun, and camaraderie. The theme chosen for this celebration was “tailgating” – after all, it is football time in TN! Supervisors were asked to utilize their tailgate to recognize each of their staff and their accomplishments over the past year since being accredited. A cake decorating contest was also held, and several teams signed up to participate in this event. Finally, staff members were encouraged to wear a shirt with their favorite team (football, basketball, etc.) logo.
It was great to see the large number of staff that turned out, as well as the number of team “tailgates” that were designed and set up for the event. There were team t-shirts and jerseys everywhere, and a couple of the region’s teams had actually designed their own t-shirts showcasing their favorite team….their own DCS team! Commissioner Miller and Ted Martinez were on hand from Central Office to present the region with their COA Accreditation plaque, as well as COA Accreditation window decals to display in each county office. After presenting the region with their plaque and window decals, the Commissioner was presented a UT Vols stadium seat cushion that had been signed by staff in the region. The East Region RA, Julie Rotella, was also presented a trophy in appreciation of the “coaching” and support provided to the region during the pursuit of accreditation.
Following the presentations, Commissioner Miller and Ted judged the cake decorating contest for the region. Who knew that the region had such creative cake decorators!?! There was a “drug bust” cake, which took first place, a cake in the shape of the DCS/Well Being “Lifts them up!” logo complete with the apple, a cake displaying children’s progression from abuse/neglect to permanency, COA “touchdown” cakes, cakes in the shape of footballs and football fields, and a variety of others. The region also awarded first place to the Anderson County teams for best tailgate.
Needless to say, this event was a great way for the East Region staff to celebrate achieving accreditation and recognize those accomplishments made over the past year since being accredited. A very big thank you also goes out to Commissioner Miller and Ted for joining East in this celebration and for serving as judges! It was definitely a fun-filled day for all!
By Charles Baumgardner
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