Monday, May 24, 2010

The TFACTS Conversion: What To Expect

The Department of Children's Services (DCS) is replacing the current TNKIDS child-welfare system with a new SACWIS (System Automated Child Welfare Information System) named TFACTS, the Tennessee Family and Child Tracking System.  

TFACTS is a web-based platform that is replacing 12 legacy systems.  The new system will interface with multiple other agencies, including but not limited to, Edison, TennCare, SSA and Adopt-US-KIDS which plugs the state into an adoption support system across the United States.  TFACTS will also support the DCS Program's long-term vision of moving the state from a child-centric vision to a family-centric vision. 
TFACTS Pilot Conversion & Implementation:
* The TFACTS pilot implementation/conversion process will begin the week of May 24, 2010. 
* Tuesday evening (5/25), the process of bringing down the Legacy systems will begin.  (DCS_All messages will keep you informed of this activity.)
* During that implementation week, the TFACTS integrated project team will meet twice a day, at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST.  The team will discuss the progress of the activities required to convert data from the Legacy Systems and to implement TFACTS to the Pilot users. 
* Non-pilot users will receive communication once the Legacy systems are back up and available to them for their continued work in TNKids; this is currently expected sometime Thursday, May 27, 2010.  (A DCS_All message will alert DCS users when the Legacy systems are available.)

**Following the twice daily meetings with the integrated project team, I will send out a project status message to keep you all posted of our progress.  The message will include either the 10 a.m. or 5 p.m. CST status time and whether we are on schedule or behind, and if behind our planned catch-up schedule.  The status will be brief so as to simply make you aware of our progress.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions throughout this process.

The TFACTS project has been a huge undertaking and has required the efforts of many, many people across numerous agencies and across the state.  I would like to take this time to thank everyone for their time and support of the project.  All of the TFACTS accomplishments are due to your efforts.
Cynthia Coulter
TFACTS Project Director

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